By David Easa
On Father’s day this year some of our choir members sang the Star Spangled Banner at the Cotuit
Kettleer’s home opener. I have to say, I was nervous. It is something I’ve always wanted to do – Sing
the National Anthem at an event – so this was very exciting for me, and I didn’t want to do a bad job
of it. As soon as we started practicing the nervousness went away. Anders, Anna, Anastasia and
myself were intending to do a four part harmonized version of the song and I found a video that
explained the story behind Francis Scott Key’s inspiration to write it during the war of 1812. Francis
Scott Key and other Americans were aboard a boat in the Chesapeake Bay watching the bombing of
Fort McHenry and given the scale of the attack, he was certain the British would win, but in the
clearing smoke of “the dawn’s early light” he saw the American flag, not the British Union Jack flying
over the fort, announcing an American victory. After watching this video together, we began our
rehearsal with a better and a more personal understanding of the lyrics. We were joined by Father
Ben and Erika for our performance at the game and did a fine job with many compliments and
congratulations! …Oh, and the Kettleer’s won!
Photo: Alysa Rubin, Cotuit Kettleers, Photographer