Help give to those in need!
The Outreach Team currently has a project creating personal care blessing bags for those in need. We plan to donate 25 blessing bags to the Falmouth Police Department for the program they have distributing care packages to those without homes or in need as they come across them on the job. Any questions or for more information please see Macrina Stewart, Soraya Bandeli, or Michelle Moeck.
We are requesting your help getting the items needed for this project!
Please drop off items at the church in the box marked “Outreach”
List of Items Needed:
- Toothbrushes
- Travel size Toothpaste
- Band-Aids
- Travel Size Deodorant
- Lip Balm
- Mylar/Survival Blankets
- Mini Neosporin/Antibiotic
- Ointment Packets
- Socks
- Body Wipes
- Bottles of water
- Granola Bars
- Small Bags of Nuts
- Granola
- Feminine Care Products

Please grab a tag on the bulletin board outside the Nave of what you’d like to contribute so we can avoid getting duplicate items. Please return items by April 7th. We will assemble bags on April 21st after coffee hour.