Our parish is blessed to have received many generous donations of books over the years, including Father Nick’s personal library collection. These are all located in the back of the parish hall within several bookcases.
We have started to create a list of titles with brief descriptions – some of which can be found at the link below. As more books are cataloged this list will grow.
A new book will be highlighted every few weeks in the weekly email. A copy will be available in the glass front cabinet in our library.
Please feel free to look through our collection and pick one to take home and read. The checkout process is simple – add your name, date, and the book number (found on the side of the book – example 231) to the sheet on the clipboard. When a book is brought back simply place it on the shelf labeled RETURNS.
If you have any books that you are done with – we would appreciate it if they were returned to the library shelf as above so we can add them to the catalog. Thank you!