St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael Feast Day & 30th Anniversary – Thank You

Thank you to everyone who helped make such a successful day with Bishop John. From the chanters and choir, to the flowers and luncheon, everything was done with care and love. Bishop John was very pleased and enjoyed being with us and we loved having him.

10 Thanksgiving Meals For Independence House

Please help to provide Thanksgiving Meals to Independence House in Hyannis, which provides services to battered women and their children.

  • Please register to pick up a few items the next time you are at the grocery store.
  • Please consider donating your time to help package the items on Sun, Nov 24 and to help with delivery on Mon, Nov 25.
  • If can’t shop for any of the items, please consider donating funds to help us with the purchase of food to supplement what is being generously donated.

Thank you for your support of St. Michael’s outreach and its programs.