St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael Mail Buddies

Do you like writing letters? Do you enjoy receiving letters? Are you interested in getting to know a member of our Saint Michael family who was born a few decades apart from you? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, send your name and (snail) mailing address to Kh. Alyssa, and she will send you the name and (snail) mailing address of your St. Michael Mail Buddy. What an amazing opportunity to get to know and build a relationship with another member of our parish!

Thanksgiving Meals 2020

Once again, we have the opportunity to provide Thanksgiving meals to struggling families who are served by Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis. Kh. Alyssa will be collecting money to purchase the meals, and we will be delivering the meals to Faith on the evening of Thursday 11/19. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
Thanksgiving meal checks should be made out to St. Michael with “Thanksgiving Meals” in the memo. Please mail checks to:
Kh. Alyssa Kjendal
PO Box 46
Sagamore, MA 02561