St. Michael the Archangel

Christmas Service Schedule

Dear parishioners and friends of St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church,

The Feast of the Nativity is almost upon us! I pray that you have used this fast as a time of preparation, preparing your hearts and lives to receive our incarnate God, Jesus Christ, who comes to us not only as an infant over 2,000 years ago, but comes to us even now in His Body and Blood. May He who is the Light of the World shine brightly in and through your lives.

Please join us for the rest of the services we have during the fast and as we begin the feast. The schedule is as follows:

  • Saturday, December 21
    • 5:00 PM: Vespers
  • Sunday, December 22
    • 9:00 AM: Orthros
    • 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy
  • Tuesday, December 24
    • 9:00 AM: Royal Hours of the Eve of Nativity
    • 5:00 PM: Festal Orthros
    • 6:00 PM: Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity
    • Potluck dinner to follow!

Please speak with Jasmine Andrews to coordinate what you can bring to the meal following Liturgy on the 24th.

Peace and joy in Christ.
Fr. Ben

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards depicting original artwork by Sandra Sedell are on sale in the church hall. Cards are $2 each. Sandra is a talented artist who works in oils and watercolors. She and her husband are summer residents of East Falmouth and friends of St. Michael Church. All proceeds will benefit the Narthex Fund.

Christmas Outreach 2019

CALLING ALL COOKIE BAKERS!!! We will be delivering 50 Christmas meals to Faith Family Kitchen this December, and we will be including a tin of homemade cookies with each meal. If you are interested in baking a batch or two of cookies, please speak to Kh. Alyssa. We will be packing the cookies on Sunday, December 15 during coffee hour and delivering the meals to Hyannis on Friday, December 20. Thank you!!!

We have once again adopted a family through Cape Cod’s Christmas Wishes program! We will be collecting money through the end of December to help pay for the gifts that have been purchased. Thank you for bringing joy this Christmas to a struggling family!
Family Description: This is a single mom with 3 children. This has been an extremely tough year for this family. Mom’s ex-boyfriend is now incarcerated after physical abuse to the children and mom. The children are traumatized and currently are in counseling. Mom had to quit her job and focus on the well-being of the children. The closest relative lives out of state so they are on their own to get through this horrible ordeal. Mom is determined to keep the family together and to heal all the children. Odin, male, any clothes 18-24 mos. Penelope, 9 female. Likes pink & purple and likes to be “girlie and sparkle” leggings, size 16, any kind of tops size 16. Loves Unicorns, fairies, Pokemon and Star Wars. Laurelyn, 12 female. In need of sweaters XL, Leggings XL, PJ’s XL. Likes neutral colors like blue, green, black, grey. Like Pokemon, Star Wars. Mom, Colleen would like a gift card to Target for household items and maybe to buy some surprises for the children.

St.Michael Newsletter, November 2019


A message from Fr. BenPg. 2
Weeds and dirty walls…Pg. 3
Narthex UpdatePg. 3
Sacred Music InstitutePg. 4
StewardshipPg. 5
Getting to know…Pg. 6
Recipe BoxPg. 7
Food for ThoughtPg. 7
Make it PersonalPg. 8
SOYO Retreat OverviewPg. 8