St. Michael the Archangel

Coffee Hour Schedule: September 2019 – March 2020 (revised)

In an attempt to ease the burden of providing food and cleaning up, a new coffee hour schedule has been created in which several families will share the responsibility of coffee hour for four weeks in a row, with the exception of the weeks that our parish’s organizations host coffee hour. Even if your name is not on the list, you are always welcome to bring a dish to share or stay to help with clean up!

Coffee Hour Schedule (revised)

Thank you to all of those who tirelessly make coffee, bring food, take home leftovers, and help clean up! Your efforts are a blessing to our St. Michael family and all of its visitors!

Fill the Fridge, October 2019 Outreach

Throughout the month of October, we are working to collect NON-PERISHABLE food for our local food pantry!!! Food should be deposited in the “fridge” inside the side entrance of the church. Thank you for your generosity in helping our neighbors in need!

Please, see the flyer.

International Food/Bake Sale & Upscale Yard Sale – October 12, 2019

Join us for the International Food/Bake Sale & Upscale Yard Sale at St. Michael the Archangel (62 Main Street, Cotuit, MA) on Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 10 AM to 2 PM. Come purchase homemade American, Lebanese, Greek, Moldavian, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Syrian, Tibetan, Ukrainian food to treat your family and invite your friends! Eat in and take some home. Luncheon served.

Download the flyer