St. Michael the Archangel

The Annual Memorial Day Bake Sale, May 26, 2019

The Annual Memorial Day Bake sale will be held in lieu of the Coffee Hour on Sunday, May 26 by Women’s Group. This is a great time to stock up your kitchen with delicious home-baked treats to share with your family and guests!
ATTENTION BAKERS: This is an opportunity to share your talents with your parish friends. Please consider sharing your baked specialties with us for this fun and delicious fundraiser! Let Jourdan Clough or Elaine Burke know if you will need any special packaging for your contributions.

Event at Cataumet Village, May 19th

St. Michael will be hosting the event for the mothers and children at the Village at Cataumet on Sunday, May 19 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM.
All parishioners are encouraged to attend!!! Please see Kh. Alyssa if you are interested in providing food for the event.
Thank you!
Download flyer

Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!

Albanian: Krishti Ungjall! Vertete Ungjall!
Arabic: Al Maseeh Qam! Haqqan Qam!
English: Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!
Greek: Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
Polish: Khristus Zmartvikstau! Zaiste Zmartvikstau!
Portuguese: Christo Ressuscitou! Em Verdade Ressuscitou!
Romanian: Hristos a Inviat! Adevarat a Inviat!
Russian: Khristos voskres! Voistinu voskres!

Many thanks to all who have helped to make this a beautiful and spiritual Holy Week and Pascha – the names are too numerous to list – but a special mention to all who led and sang in the choir – their voices and commitment brought much peace and joy to every service!

And huge thanks to all those who worked behind the scenes – from the hours of painstaking preparations such as arranging flowers, decorating, cleaning and serving food and maintaining our building through this busy time of year.

Finally – we are so grateful for the amazing example set by Father Ben with his tireless commitment to our parish and to us individually and collectively. It is inspiring to see his positive and loving demeanor as he led us in so many services each week. We are truly Blessed by his leadership, and inspired by the devotion of he and his family to our community and to Christ.