Thank you for your generosity that allowed St. Michael to donate meals to 30 families this Easter! Each family received a ham, a $25 grocery store gift card, a dozen eggs, and an egg dying kit. What a blessing this will be for these needy families!
Paschal Orders 2019
To place your order, complete the form below and mail it to Pauline Rassias or Elaine Burke or bring it to church before April 14 along with your check made out to St. Michael’s Women’s Group. Orders will be available for pickup on Palm Sunday after the Liturgy.
Order form
Pascha Card 2019
The proceeds of this year’s Pascha card will be going to St. Michael’s building fund.
We thank you for your continued generosity.
Fish Feast 2019
Thanks for everyone who took part in our annual Fish Feast to benefit Zoe House!!! Especially thanks for all of you who were working so hard to make it happen! If you were not able to attend the Fish Feast last Sunday and have not yet made your donation to support Zoe House, a pan-Orthodox crisis pregnancy center, it’s not too late! As we celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation this week, we are reminded how each precious life God creates begins at conception, and these tiniest children need our help! PLEASE SEND YOUR DONATION to church today, and be sure to buy a raffle ticket (all proceeds will be going to Zoe House) for a chance to win one of two beautiful Easter baskets! SUPPORT LIFE!!!
2019 Diocese Lenten Retreat & Youth Day
We are so excited to welcome back His Grace Bishop ANTHONY of Toledo & the Midwest as our Keynote Speaker for the annual Lenten Retreat which will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at St. George Church in West Roxbury. This event is sponsored by the Antiochian Women of the Diocese of Worcester & New England, and will begin with Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am and conclude with Great Vespers at 3:00 pm. Lunch is included. Adults are $20, teens and children are free. Activities will be offered for children ages 2.9-12 during the times that Bishop Anthony is speaking to the adults and teens. Please register in advance no later than March 15, 2019 via mail, or by March 23, 2019 online.
Fish Feast 2019 Flyer
Our annual Fish Feast will be on Sunday, March 24 to benefit Zoe House!!! Make your reservations by RSVPing to Kh. Alyssa. If you are unable to attend the dinner after Liturgy, please be sure to support this life-saving ministry by sending your donation to St. Michael with Zoe House in the memo of the check!
Valentine Care Packages 2019
In February, we were collecting items for Valentine Care Packages. 55 care packages were assembled and delivered to the women and their babies at Emerson House (North Falmouth) and to the families at The Village at Cataumet. These packages were filled with a variety of toiletries (soaps, shampoos, lotions, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, lip balm, etc.), as well as children’s books and activity pads, journals, colored pencils, candy, and a variety of other treats.