Book Club

St Michael‘s will be starting a book club soon. The book we will be reading is “Pearl of Great Price” by Sergei Hackel.

Pearl of Great Price is the moving story of Mother Maria Skobtsova, a nun of the Orthodox Church, who was born into a Russian aristocratic home but who died a martyr’s death in one of Hitler’s concentration camps. In the intervening years, the vicissitudes of life led her through two marriages, childbirth and childrearing, and exile from her homeland until she became an unconventional nun, devoted to the service of the destitute and the despairing in Nazi-occupied France during WWII. Mother Maria was eventually consigned to Ravensbrück concentration camp because of her support of the Jews in Paris. There she continued to help those around her up until and even by means of her own death. Now canonized by the Orthodox Church as St Maria, she demonstrates how to love the image of God in each person, even when surrounded by hatred, undiluted evil, and brutality.

Please email Fr James,, if you would like to join the book club. When we have a count of people we will order the book and get started.

Ecclesiastical Calendar 2024

It’s hard to believe it – but that time of year is here!! There is a new ecclesiastical calendar for 2024 at the back of the church. The suggested donation is $10 for each calendar. Due to the limited quantity, please only take one per family.

Thanks for your continued support of St Michael.

St. Michael Nativity Card 2023

This year, St. Michael Women will send out a Nativity Greeting to all our parish members. A portion of the proceeds of this year’s Nativity card will be going to the Clergy Widows Fund. These women who have dedicated their lives and their families to the church will always be our “Khourie” / “Presvitera” / “Matushka” – even after they suffer the loss of their priest-husbands. This fund will cover some of their needs for utilities, food, and shelter.

The order form for the Nativity Greeting has been mailed out. If you would like your name on the St. Michael Nativity Card, please complete the form and return it by December 17, 2023. Please donate to St. Michael Women and write ‘Nativity Card’ in the memo. We thank you for your continued generosity.

You can also download the Nativity Card 2023 Order Form.

Thanksgiving Meals for Independence House – Thank You!

Thanks to everyone for bringing your food donations on time! Thanks to the following helpers for packaging the food this past Sunday: Alex Stewart, Anthony Williams, Rick Bardine, Emilio & Tatiana Netto.
Joe Rahal and Soraya Bandeli delivered 15 Thanksgiving meals to Independence House in Hyannis on Monday Nov 20. This organization offers services to victims of domestic and sexual violence.
The Outreach team is grateful for your generosity in answering the call to helping those in need. May God continue to bless you!

St. Michael’s Men’s Group

Last month a group of men from St. Michaels’ gathered together to share a meal at the Olive Garden in Hyannis. Discussed were the future actions of the group, our values, and faith.

At the upcoming White Elephant Boutique & Bake Sale, we will have a table, stop by and say Hello. If you know of anyone that would like to join let one of the members know.

Thanksgiving Meals For Independence House

A Sign-Up request has been sent out via email to parish members and friends to help provide Thanksgiving Meals to Independence House in Hyannis, which provides services to battered women and their children.

  • Please register to pick up a few items the next time you are at the grocery store.
  • Please consider donating your time to help package the items for delivery on Nov 19 and to help with delivery on Nov 20.
  • If can’t shop for any of the items, please consider donating funds to help us with the purchase of food to supplement what is being generously donated.

The sign-up request covers all these requests. If you don’t have access to a computer, please reach out to the Outreach committee to let us know how you can help: Macrina, Kristin, Michelle, Linda, Elaine B. & Soraya. If you didn’t receive the Sign-up request in your email, please see Soraya so your name can be added to our distribution list.

Thank you for your support of St. Michael outreach and its programs

Collecting Winter Goods For Families Newly In Cape Shelters

Currently, Joint Base Cape Cod is housing 62 families. At present, an additional 25 families are sheltered in a hotel in Yarmouth, and 27 families in a Bourne hotel. All are placed by the State of Massachusetts after entering the country legally, and after qualifying for shelter placement following strict State guidelines.

During the month of October, the Cape Cod Council of Churches is collecting essential winter wear for these men, women, and children. We have bins set up for your donations through the end of October. The list of items needed is as follows:
Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s (all sizes):

  • Winter Hats
  • Gloves
  • Boots
  • Coats
  • Sweaters
  • Snowsuits (for babies)
  • Car Seat Covers (for infants)
  • Hand Warmers
  • Umbrellas

Monetary donations are also being accepted. If you would like to donate, please make your checks out to St Michael Orthodox Church and note “resettling families” in the memo.
Thank you for your generosity! If you have any questions, please see Soraya, Macrina, or Kristin.

Many Thanks to Zoya Sheglov for the New Icon

A new icon has been added to the St. Michael iconostasis. Many thanks to our own iconographer Zoya Sheglov! Bishop JOHN blessed the icon on September 30t, 2023. The icon has been placed above the Royal Doors. The side with the Mystical Supper is facing the congregation, and the other side with the Trinity is facing the altar.

Ordination of Dn. James Irving to the Holy Priesthood – September 30, 2023

Axios! He is worthy! Moustahiq!

On Saturday, September 30, 2023, Deacon James Irving was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace Bishop JOHN at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Cotuit. Fr. James is assigned as the Pastor of St. Michael’s by His Eminence Metropolitan Saba. AXIOS to Fr. James, Kh. Valerie and their children Alison, Paul & Ben. May God grant them many years!