Blessed Christmas!

On behalf of the Parish Council, we wish our entire parish a Blessed Christmas and a healthy 2021.

We thank everyone for their commitment and all they do for St Michael. As we enter the Holidays, please take a few minutes and reach out to others in the parish to say hello or to just check in on how they are doing. It is important that we stay connected to each other as a community through this unique time.

St. Michael’s Parish Council

St. Michael Mail Buddies

Do you like writing letters? Do you enjoy receiving letters? Are you interested in getting to know a member of our Saint Michael family who was born a few decades apart from you? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, send your name and (snail) mailing address to Kh. Alyssa, and she will send you the name and (snail) mailing address of your St. Michael Mail Buddy. What an amazing opportunity to get to know and build a relationship with another member of our parish!

Thanksgiving Meals 2020

Once again, we have the opportunity to provide Thanksgiving meals to struggling families who are served by Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis. Kh. Alyssa will be collecting money to purchase the meals, and we will be delivering the meals to Faith on the evening of Thursday 11/19. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
Thanksgiving meal checks should be made out to St. Michael with “Thanksgiving Meals” in the memo. Please mail checks to:
Kh. Alyssa Kjendal
PO Box 46
Sagamore, MA 02561

St.Michael Newsletter, September 2020


A message from Fr. BenPg. 2
OutreachPg. 3
Stewardship Envelope SystemPg. 3
Holy Week 2020Pg. 4
From the Parish CouncilPg. 6
Reading the PsalmsPg. 6
Recipe BoxPg. 7
Getting to know you… Alyssa KjendalPg. 8
From Women’s GroupCover

Cookbook Committee is Looking for Testers

The cookbook committee is still collecting recipes throughout the summer! Thank you for all that have already sent in their recipes and memories.

We are now looking for recipe testers. Please contact Soraya if you are able to test the recipes for us. This is a very important part of the process and your time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

Click here for the Recipe form.
With much love and thanks to you all,
Your Cookbook committee:
Linda Davis
Elaine Burke
Soraya Bandeli

St. Michael International Cookbook Project

We hope everyone is doing well through this pandemic and finding comfort in Faith, Family, Friends and Food!! Speaking of food… the Women of the Church started thinking about its next project. We are very excited about this and hope you will be, too…

Our parish is very fortunate to have the BEST cooks, bakers and chefs around and we would like them to share their recipes and memories about them in a St. Michael International Cookbook. Everyone can contribute, young and old, men/women/children, amateur cooks and kitchen veterans! Our plan is to have our cookbook ready this fall, preceding the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.

There are lots of categories to which you can contribute, with some dishes falling into more than one category. Feel free to submit as many recipes as you like. Remember that variety is the spice of life! Please also let us know if there is a dish you would like included, but do not make yourself.

Perhaps consider including a memory about your recipe(s) if you have any (for example, making it with your grandmother or your children). Sharing artwork or photos would also be welcome. Consider this a love letter to our heritage, our families, and our experiences. Your memories and comments will make that possible. We can help you with the process if you need it.

Categories for your submissions are:

  • Religious – example: Holy Bread; Memorial Wheat (Koliva)
  • Appetizers
  • Soups/Salads
  • Main Dishes
  • Side Dishes
  • Lenten Dishes
  • Kids’ Corner
  • Pastries/Desserts
  • Breakfast

Please, download the Recipe form, complete the form on your computer (without printing) and sent back to us with your recipe and information. This will minimize having to re-type and will help with editing formats. You can just email your recipe as well. If you have any questions or need some assistance, please contact us.
The deadline to submit the completed form is the end of summer.

With much love and thanks to you all,
Your Cookbook committee:
Linda Davis, Elaine Burke, Soraya Bandeli