Fr. James blessed all students, even college students and chanting students!

Fr. James blessed all students, even college students and chanting students!
Thank you so much to all who helped purchase backpacks and supplies for 15 kids from Cataumet Village, a transitional housing facility in Falmouth, supporting families coming out of homelessness.
God Bless all who helped coordinate last Saturday on the clean up of the outside of the church. We filled in the potholes in the parking area and cleaned up sticks and leaves. Thanks to Chris for the use of his John Deere tractor we made a level path around the church for our upcoming processions. We even had time before the rain to straighten out the sign.
A new icon has been added to the nave of St. Michael’s church. Many thanks to our own iconographer Zoya Sheglov! Zoya presented the icon on January 7, 2024. The icon was blessed with the waters from the feast of Theophany. The icon is of Saint John Maximovitch Bishop of Shanghai and Archbishop of San Francisco. May God grant Zoya Many Years.
Thanks to the homeschool group for distributing scarves in Main St Hyannis on Saturday, January 6 in anticipation of cold and snow. The Stewart and Moeck families were a force!!! Thanks for the efforts of Vicky Abodeely who has been knitting all year!
Please join the outreach group on January 28 after church for an exploratory discussion about future projects!!! See Macrina or Soraya if you have questions.
Thanks to all volunteers who helped to beautify our church for the Nativity. Thanks to Elaine Burke and Olga DiSavino for leading.
Last weekend Metropolitan Saba and Bishop John were at our sister churches for services, deanery meetings, and induction into the Order of St. Ignatius, with clergy from the Diocese of Worcester and New England. Read more at
Thanks to all who baked, manned tables for the sale, donated items, purchased items and to those who fed volunteers: Katya, Julia, Anastasia, Galina, Michelle, Colleen, Anya, Chris, Pauline and her sister Martha, Annie, Natalie, Soraya, Hadley, Aubrey, Aurora, Max, Ben, Alli, Rick, Subdeacon Joe, Fr. James & Kh. Valerie. Thanks to Ana Procopeuco who donated a beautiful handmade wool shawl for the raffle – congratulations to Julia Shanghina Petitt who won this item. Thanks to Pauline Rassias who donated an original oil painting by Cape Cod artist Sandra Sedell – congratulations to Soraya Bandeli who won this item.
Special thanks to Pauline, Chris, Mary, Natalie and Soraya for organizing the tables and pricing all the items during the week leading up to the event. Thanks to Eric Ayoub who drove down from Boston to direct traffic in the rain. To Chris Rassias and Eric for getting our signs in from the rain. Thanks to Judy Crocker and Oscar Crocker for creating our flier and advertising.
GREAT thanks to all who stayed Sunday to help pack everything up and get the hall back in order: Pauline, Chris, Alex, Colleen, Max, Aurora, Michelle, Hadley, Olga, Sophia, Jacob, Rick and Soraya. Thanks to Rick & Soraya who filled their cars with lots of boxes. We have a bit to go. If you can grab a few boxes or fill your truck to take to your local donation center or swop shop, we will be back to normal by Sunday Nov 26.
This was an amazing group effort and we are grateful for all your support. May God bless you all.
On the evening of November 7 the Bishop and clergy from around New England came to St. Michael’s to celebrate the feast day of Saint Michael the Archangel, Patron Saint and protector of our church. We gathered for Orthos, Liturgy, and a meal. Clergy in attendance were Bishop John, Fr. Leonard Faris from Lowell, Fr. Joseph Kimmet from Norwood, Fr. Antony Hughes from Cambridge, Fr. Milad Selim from Worcester, Fr. Ephraim Hastings from Lawrence, Fr. Michael Heningham from Ludlow, Fr. Timothy Curren from Centerville, and Dn. David Galambos from W. Roxbury.
A new icon has been added to the St. Michael iconostasis. Many thanks to our own iconographer Zoya Sheglov! Bishop JOHN blessed the icon on September 30t, 2023. The icon has been placed above the Royal Doors. The side with the Mystical Supper is facing the congregation, and the other side with the Trinity is facing the altar.