Category: Photos
Scarves for Homeless 2020
On Sunday, January 26, 2020, kids were TYING SCARVES along Main Street in Hyannis to spread warmth to the homeless in that area.
Bishop John – December 15, 2019 Sermon & Photos
Sunday of the Forefathers
Gospel: Luke 14:16-24
“A man once gave a great banquet, and invited many…”
Fashion Show Luncheon – Thank You and Photos
Thank you for make this event happen and help us raise funds for the addition of a Narthex to our church.
Thanksgiving Meals 2019 – Thank You and Photos
Thank you to everyone who made it possible for us to deliver Thanksgiving meals to FIFTY families this past week by your donations of money, food, and time. These bountiful meals are tremendously appreciated and needed by the families who received them. Thank you for providing this blessing to our struggling neighbors!
Vacation Church School 2019
For three mornings, twelve children, three babies, nine adults (Thank you, especially, to Natalie Leva, Erica Fernadez, and Kh. Alyssa’s mom!), and two teenagers gathered together for a time of fun, learning, and growing in our faith. Through games, crafts, stories, and discussions, we learned about the 12 Great Feasts, prayer, and being in church together. Additionally, care packages (each including a kid-made prayer box, a kid-made frame with icons of each of the 12 Great Feasts, and some summer fun items) were created and sent to two of our adopted seminarian families. Also, 20 “Blessings Bags” were made, assembled, and delivered to the Bourne Police Station. (Each “Blessings Bag” was made from an old t-shirt and filled with water & a snack, a coloring book & crayons, small toys, a toothbrush & toothpaste, a kid-made cross necklace, and other personal care items. Police officers will have these bags on-hand to give to children who are found to be in crisis situations.) Please see the posted pictures from these enriching three days!
Backpack Blessings 2019
Once again, we are collecting NEW backpacks and school supplies now through August 18 for children whose families are unable to purchase these items themselves. On Sunday, August 18 we will be filling the backpacks and delivering them to the Village at Cataumet. Additionally, we are collecting monetary donations to purchase supplies for Theophany School, an Orthodox school in Needham, MA. Thank you for your generosity in helping supply children with the tools they need to succeed in the upcoming school year!
Please see the School Supply Suggestion List of what is needed.
St. Michael Anual Cookout 2019
A big thank you to all those who helped out with our parish cookout! There are so many who gave much time and effort to pull off this great event – especially Soraya for planning and execution! A special shout out to John Abodelly for manning the grill in the heat! And for everyone who brought food or other items and/or helped plan, set up and take things down – THANK YOU!
Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!
Albanian: Krishti Ungjall! Vertete Ungjall!
Arabic: Al Maseeh Qam! Haqqan Qam!
English: Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!
Greek: Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
Polish: Khristus Zmartvikstau! Zaiste Zmartvikstau!
Portuguese: Christo Ressuscitou! Em Verdade Ressuscitou!
Romanian: Hristos a Inviat! Adevarat a Inviat!
Russian: Khristos voskres! Voistinu voskres!
Many thanks to all who have helped to make this a beautiful and spiritual Holy Week and Pascha – the names are too numerous to list – but a special mention to all who led and sang in the choir – their voices and commitment brought much peace and joy to every service!
And huge thanks to all those who worked behind the scenes – from the hours of painstaking preparations such as arranging flowers, decorating, cleaning and serving food and maintaining our building through this busy time of year.
Finally – we are so grateful for the amazing example set by Father Ben with his tireless commitment to our parish and to us individually and collectively. It is inspiring to see his positive and loving demeanor as he led us in so many services each week. We are truly Blessed by his leadership, and inspired by the devotion of he and his family to our community and to Christ.