Attention St. Michael’s Families – Church School will be starting again on Sunday, September 15. We are very excited to get back together and begin working on this year’s theme of The Gospel of Luke and Acts! As in past years, church school will be held every Sunday during Orthros. We have a lot of fun and all children of all ages are welcome to attend!!! To help us break the students into age groups, please complete the registration form below by September 7. If you have any questions, please contact Ned Chatelain at
Macrina and Ned
Tag: Church School
Vacation Church School 2024, Aug 5-9
A collaboration of St. Michael’s and St. George’s Orthodox Churches
Dates: August 5th-9th
Time: 2 pm – 5 pm
Registration: $10 per child
Location: St. George’s Orthodox Church
1130 Falmouth Rd
Centerville, MA 02632
For children kindergarten through 5th grade. Please reach out Macrina Stewart for more information and to register your children! The deadline for application is July 21st.
We need volunteers! Children older than 5th grade and adults!!!
More about our Vacation Church School curriculum:

Super Saints is a dynamic Vacation Church/Bible School (VBS) program designed specifically for children from Kindergarten to 5th grade. It offers an engaging and interactive platform for kids to learn more about the Saints and the path to Holiness through fun activities,
inspiring stories, and meaningful lessons.
Throughout the week, children will embark on a journey through the lives of various saints, learning important lessons about repentance, seeking truth, standing firm in faith, witnessing to others, and enduring through struggles. Each day will feature lively songs, creative crafts, fun games, and delicious snacks, ensuring an enriching and
enjoyable experience for every participant!
Church School Registration Form 2023-2024
Please fill out and return the registration form (one per family).
Bible Study for kids ages 10 and older will start on Sunday, September 17th at 9:15 AM (attention time was changed). Please, see Ned Chatelain if you have any questions.
The Church School for younger kids will start after all materials are ready. This is why we are calling all artists. We need help painting fine details and drawing figures on pre-cut forms for our Atrium church school program. Please consider donating your talent to help teach our children the faith using this tactile and immersive teaching program. We have lots of items to be completed in order to proceed to the next level in our course. See Macrina (Colleen) Stewart if you can help or would like more information.
Vacation Church School 2023 Photos
Vacation Church School 2023 was held July 31-August 2, concluding with a family potluck picnic party before Paraklesis on Wednesday evening. We focused on Genesis 1:26, being created in God’s image and likeness, and what that means as we live out our lives as Christians. In addition to praying and learning together, we had time for fun, outreach, working to beautify the outside of the church, team building, talking about church etiquette, and growing in our relationships with one another.

National Bible Bowl & Oratorical Festival

Erika, Mary, and Nicholas Kjendal traveled to the national convention in Phoenix, AZ this past week to compete in the national Bible Bowl against the teams from the seven other dioceses. It was a tough, tight competition. At the end of the second round, two teams were tied for first, and our team was tied with another team for second. After staging a comeback in the second half of the five round competition, our team was tied for first going into the last question! The final scores for the top three teams were the Diocese of Toledo with 96, the Diocese of Worcester (that’s us!) 94, and the Diocese of the East 89. Great job Erika, Mary, and Nicholas for placing SECOND in the NATION!!!

Anders Kjendal also traveled to the national convention in Phoenix, AZ this past week to compete in the national Oratorical Festival against teens from the other seven dioceses and placed SECOND! Great job, Anders!!!
St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Children’s Library is now open!
Please visit the children’s library just outside the front entrance of the nave and help your children, grandchildren, or godchildren check out a book or two! If you are interested in helping our children’s library grow, we have a wish list of books that we would love to add to our library’s shelves. See Kh. Alyssa with any questions or suggestions of books to add to the wish list!
Borrowing Rules

- Please sign out library books before borrowing them.
- Please return books in a timely manner so others also have the opportunity to benefit from the material.
- When you return library books, place them in the return basket and cross off your name from the sign-out sheet.
- Wash and dry your hands before reading library books.
- Keep food and drinks away from library books. Do not eat or drink while you are reading library books!
- Keep your library books in a safe place, where pets, weather, or young siblings will not be able to damage them.
- Enjoy your library books at home, not in the car, on a boat, with a goat, in the rain, on a train, or during Liturgy or other church services!
Wish List:
- And Then Nicholas Sang: The Story of the Trisagion Hymn by Elizabeth Crispina Johnson
- A Boy’s Journey to Sainthood: St. Paisios the Athonite by Anna Iakovou
- Celebrate the Earth by Dorrie Papademetriou
- The Children’s Bible Reader
- A Child’s Guide to Confession
- A Child’s Guide to the Divine Liturgy
- A Child’s Guide to Prayer
- From I-Ville to You-Ville by Mersine Vigopoulou
- The Illustrated Life of the Theotokos for Children by Georgia and Helen Horns
- The Legend of the Cross by Chrissi Hart
- Little Lost Nun by Melinda Johnson
- The Miracle of Saint Nicholas by Gloria Whelan
- The Miracle of the Red Egg by Elizabeth Crispina Johnson
- My Holy Queens and Princesses by Eglé-Ekaterine Potamitis
- My Warrior Saints by Eglé-Ekaterine Potamitis
- North Star Saint Herman of Alaska by Dorrie Papademetriou
- Prepare O Bethlehem: The Feast of the Nativity by Niko Chocheli
- Rejoice, Panagia: Offering to Children the Akathist Hymn by the sisterhood of the Life Giving
- Spring of the Theotokos Monastery
- Saint Catherine of Alexandra by Eglé-Ekaterine Potamitis
- Saint George and the Dragon by Jim Forest
- Saint Nicholas and the Nine Gold Coins by Jim Forest
- Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain: The Heavenly Signalman
- Saint Sergius: A Beacon in the Wilderness of Radonezh by George and Christian Danias
- Silent as a Stone: Mother Maria of Paris and the Trash Can Rescue by Jim Forest
- St. Seraphim’s Beatitudes: Blessings for Our Path to Heaven by priest Daniel Marshall
- Sweet Song: A Story of Saint Romanos the Melodist by Jane G. Meyer
- A Taste of Paradise: Stories of Saints and Animals by Katherine Bolger Hyde
- A Visual Catechism of the Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos
- Books in the Friends of Christ series by Demitrios and Anna Fotopoulos
- Any children’s book from Saint Paisius Monastery Gift Shop (
- Any children’s books from Saint John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery Bakery (
- Any children’s book from The Life Giving Spring Monastery’s Zoe Press (
- The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
Vacation Church School 2023
Vacation Church School will run this year from July 31 to August 1 from 9:30 AM until noon, and then on Wednesday, August 2 we will have a VCS potluck/picnic/party at 5:00, before Paraklesis. Please return the registration form by Sunday, July 23, and be looking for more exciting details coming soon! Please see Kh. Alyssa if you have any questions, and remember to invite your friends, neighbors, grandchildren, and godchildren!
PLC 2023 Competitions
Our youth did an outstanding job at the diocesan competitions at this year’s PLC! The theme for 2023 has been, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26). Our youth participated in the Creative Arts Festival, the Bible Bowl, and the Oratorical Festival. Their hard work and dedication to learning and sharing the faith is inspirational. Here is a recap of the festivals and competitions:
Creative Arts Festival:
There were 50 creative festival entries (112 students) from seven of our twelve Church Schools throughout the region. The judging took place at St. John of Damascus Church and each entry was rated on four criteria: adherence to the theme, craftsmanship, composition and creativity. We had three volunteer judges – a clergy member, a marketing/communications specialist, and a project manager/choir director.
Judging categories were Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The breakdown of awards were 9 Gold,12 Silver, and 29 Bronze.
St. Michael submitted 12 entries that were created by the youth in our Saint Michael Homeschool Community. Six entries received silver awards, 5 entries received bronze, and Benji’s was not given a score because of his age.
Be sure to see these projects on display at the church and ask the children about them!
Bible Bowl:
Our teen team consisting of Erika, Mary, and Nicholas Kjendal, with Alison Irving as an alternate, once again won the regional Bible Bowl competition and will be heading to Phoenix, AZ at the end of July to compete with teams from around the country. Our pre-teen team (Sophia Chatelain, Paul Irving, Max Stewart, and Peter Kjendal) also did a phenomenal job, placing THIRD in the competition against the other teen teams and even a team of adults! Many, many thanks to their coaches, Ned and Kristin Chatelain, and their faithful manager/mascot Sam Chatelain for pouring so much love, time, and enthusiasm into our youth!
Oratorical Festival:
Anders Kjendal won the senior division of the regional Oratorical Festival and will also be traveling to Phoenix to compete with the winning orators from around the country.
Diocesan Scholarship:
Additionally, Erika Kjendal won a diocesan scholarship, awarded to outstanding high school graduates, that was presented to her at the PLC.
Saint Michael has had at least one winning orator every year we have had a competitor. Our Bible Bowl teams have been winning since our debut in 2016. Many people asked, “How do they keep winning? What are you doing?” The answer is not easy to articulate in a sentence or two, but if you come to any of the services at St. Michael throughout the week and notice that there are usually as many, if not more, youth than adults present, the answers to what sets our youth apart begin to be made clear.

Church School Registration Form 2021-2022
Church School will be held from September 12 through May 22 at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings for the younger children. Older children are encouraged to attend Orthros on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and will have Church School “seminars” as scheduled throughout the year.
Please fill out and return to Kh. Alyssa ( by Wed. 9/1!