Scarfs Tying & Care Bag Distribution 2023

Thanks to a few friends of St. Michael, we were able to hang over fifty handmade (and a few more store-bought) scarves, hats, and mittens along Main Street in downtown Hyannis. In addition to the knit items, we distributed twenty-five “care bags”, which were filled with items such as socks, personal care items, snacks, and a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card. The care bags had been assembled on Friday by St. Michael’s homeschool meet-up group, and a crew of nineteen were gifted a balmy day on Sunday, February 5 to spread warmth to those stuck out in the cold. Thank you to all who made this project possible!

“On the coldest of days in the midst of winter, I walked out of our office on Main Street in Hyannis and found this lovely, handknit scarf – patiently waiting for the right person to come claim it, wrap up, and be that much warmer. This was placed by St Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church. What a gesture of love, understanding and hope.”
– Edye Nesmith, Executive Director, Cape Cod Council of Churches

Christmas Meals 2022

Now that Thanksgiving meals have been delivered, it is time to start working on our Christmas meal delivery! We will be donating hams, a grocery store gift card, and a tin of (HOMEMADE!) cookies to families in need this Christmas. Please consider making a monetary donation to help cover the cost of the hams and the grocery store gift cards. Also, we need about 250 DOZEN cookies to fill the cookie tins. That might sound like a lot, but each year we have managed to fill the tins to overflowing. Please bring all cookie donations to church by Sunday, December 18. We will be packaging the cookies during coffee hour.

Thank you, in advance, for helping to bring the Light of Christ to struggling families this Christmas!

Thanksgiving Meals 2022

Thank you to everyone who gave time, talent, and treasure to make possible our donation of 50 Thanksgiving meals! This year might have been a record for the number of parishioners who helped purchase, deliver, and pack the meals. Many hands are truly made for light work! Thank you for sharing your blessings with 50 families who will now have the opportunity to enjoy a bountiful meal on Thanksgiving.

Christmas Meals 2021

We will be delivering 50 Christmas meals to Faith Family Kitchen on Monday 12/20, and each meal will include a tin of (mostly) homemade cookies…which adds up to 200 dozen cookies! Please consider baking a few dozen (or more) cookies! All cookies need to be at the church by Sunday 12/19 so we can package them and have them ready for delivery the next day. Please speak to Kh. Alyssa if you plan to bake. Thank you!!!

In addition to homemade cookies, we are in need of monetary donations to cover the cost of the grocery store gift cards and the hams that are being given to each family as part of our Christmas meal donation. We are providing 50 families with meals, and your generosity is greatly appreciated! Please give your checks (made out to St. Michael with “Christmas Meals” in the memo) to Kh. Alyssa. Thank you for sharing the light of Christ this Nativity season!

Thanksgiving Meals 2021 – Thank You and Photos

Thank you to everyone who helped make our delivery of 50 Thanksgiving meals to Faith Family Kitchen, Hyannis possible! Thank you for donating food, donating money, making phone calls, picking up needed items, and helping deliver and pack the meals for each family! Thank you for your generosity and your time!

Thanksgiving Meals 2021

Once again we are being given the opportunity to provide Thanksgiving meals to families served by Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis. If you are able to purchase food items, please speak to Kh. Alyssa about what is needed. Monetary donations are also very much appreciated to help purchase the turkeys and other items that will be included in the dinners. Delivery of the meals will be in the morning on Friday, November 19. Please speak to Kh. Alyssa about how you can help!

Thank you for being a blessing to our neighbors in need this Thanksgiving!

Backpack Blessings 2021

Once again we will be collecting NEW school supplies for children living at the Village at Cataumet, a transitional housing shelter. We have all the backpacks we need, but we need to fill them! Please see the list for suggestions on what to purchase. Thank you!!! Please see Kh. Alyssa with any questions!

Vacation Church School Is Back!!!

All children ages nine and younger are welcome to join us for Vacation Church School July 28-30 from 9:30 to 11:30 at St. Michael. The cost is $30 for one child and $10 for each additional sibling. Parents with children under five years old are asked to stay with their children, and all parents are invited and encouraged to participate in the program. Please register with Kh. Alyssa by Friday 7/23. Take a look at the pictures in the fellowship hall from previous years of VCS to get an idea of how much fun is packed into these three days of exciting faith-filled programming!