Backpack Blessings 2021

Once again we will be collecting NEW school supplies for children living at the Village at Cataumet, a transitional housing shelter. We have all the backpacks we need, but we need to fill them! Please see the list for suggestions on what to purchase. Thank you!!! Please see Kh. Alyssa with any questions!

Vacation Church School Is Back!!!

All children ages nine and younger are welcome to join us for Vacation Church School July 28-30 from 9:30 to 11:30 at St. Michael. The cost is $30 for one child and $10 for each additional sibling. Parents with children under five years old are asked to stay with their children, and all parents are invited and encouraged to participate in the program. Please register with Kh. Alyssa by Friday 7/23. Take a look at the pictures in the fellowship hall from previous years of VCS to get an idea of how much fun is packed into these three days of exciting faith-filled programming!

Tying Scarfs 2021

Scarves on Main Street, Hyannis was a success. Thanks to everyone who came out to hang scarves and leave care packages for those who need.

Save the date – Sunday, February 7, 2021

On Sunday, February 7 (after coffee hour) we will be heading to Main Street in Hyannis to hang handmade scarves for homeless. This year, in addition to the scarves, we will also be placing “care bags” around town that will be filled with items such as tooth paste, socks, etc.

Please join us for this heart-warming outreach endeavor!


Thank you to everyone who selflessly baked cookies and generously gave money to make our Christmas meal donation breathtakingly successful!

We donated SIXTY-FIVE hams, SIXTY-FIVE $25 grocery store gift cards, and 104 tins of homemade cookies! Thank you for spreading the hope, the love, the peace, and the joy of Christmas to so many Cape families in need.

Calling All Cookie Bakers 2020

This year, we will be donating 65 Christmas meals to needy families at Faith Family Kitchen. The meal will consist of a ham, a grocery store gift card, and a tin of homemade cookies. Delivery of the meals will be on the morning of Monday, December 21. If you love to bake, have always wanted to bake, or are just willing to share some of your time to make a struggling family’s Christmas a little brighter, please, please, please:

  1. Email Kh. Alyssa ( and let her know how many filled cookie tins you will be donating. We need 65!!!
  2. Buy (or reuse) some cookie tins. (Please contact Kh. Alyssa if you are willing to bake but getting tins will be an issue for you.)
  3. Bake! Bake! Bake! (Most of the cookies should be homemade, but you can certainly include some candy or store-bought cookies in each tin.)
  4. Bring your filled cookie tins to the church by Sunday, December 20. (Please contact Kh. Alyssa if you are willing to bake but are unable to get your filled tins to the church.)

We have cookie recipes that need to be tested. If you’re interested in trying something new, please let Soraya know.

THANK YOU! May you and your family be blessed by the time you spend sharing the love of Christ with others!

Thanksgiving Meals 2020 – Thank You and Photos

On Thursday 11/19, we delivered 15 Thanksgiving meals (complete with a turkey, pie, fresh produce, and all the traditional fixings) to Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis to be distributed to food insecure families. While we were making the delivery, it came to our attention that there were additional families that would be blessed by receiving a meal. Five more meals and five $25 gift cards were purchased and delivered that evening to Faith Faith Family Kitchen for distribution. Thank you to all who donated time and resources to feed these hungry families!

Thanksgiving Meals 2020

Once again, we have the opportunity to provide Thanksgiving meals to struggling families who are served by Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis. Kh. Alyssa will be collecting money to purchase the meals, and we will be delivering the meals to Faith on the evening of Thursday 11/19. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
Thanksgiving meal checks should be made out to St. Michael with “Thanksgiving Meals” in the memo. Please mail checks to:
Kh. Alyssa Kjendal
PO Box 46
Sagamore, MA 02561

October Food Drive

This month we will be directing our outreach efforts to collect food for the local food pantry. Families are struggling, and we can help ease their burden by donating additional non-perishable food items. If you would prefer to contribute monetarily, please send a check (made out to St. Michael with October Food Drive in the menu) to Kh. Alyssa:

PO Box 46
Sagamore, MA 02561

Thank you for being a light of Christ to our neighbors in need!

Donations for ‘A BABY CENTER’ in Hyannis

During the month of September, we will be collecting items to donate to A Baby Center in Hyannis. The mission of A Baby Center is “To serve without judgement the youngest in our community. A Baby Center supplements critical basic needs that ensure the good health and safety of babies in need who live on Cape Cod and the Islands. These services are provided at no cost to clients and without regard for religious preference or lack thereof.”

Items requested are as follows:

• Summer/Fall pj's 
• Children’s Books
• Small toys
• Receiving blankets & toddler blankets
• Wash cloths
• Bibs 
• burp cloths
• Lightweight sweatshirts or jackets
• Baby Bath
• Baby Shampoo
• Baby Lotion 
• Desitin or diaper rash cream
• Pacifiers

Clothing donations must be freshly washed and not have stains.
Clothing donations must also be marked Winter or Summer and sorted by age.
Thank you for supporting some of our most vulnerable neighbors!