School Vacation Lunch Boxes 2020

For families whose children receive free breakfast and lunch at school, school vacations are an additional hardship for struggling families. We will be packing and delivering a week’s worth of breakfast and lunch foods for the school‐aged children at the Village at Cataumet on Sunday, February 16.

Additionally, we will be providing lunch for all of the residents at the Village at Cataumet on Wednesday, February 19. Please speak to Kh. Alyssa if you are able to help shop for the food, assist with the packing and delivery on Sunday 2/16, and/or attend the lunch at the Village on Wednesday 2/19.

Scarves for Homeless 2020

On Sunday, January 26, 2020, kids were TYING SCARVES along Main Street in Hyannis to spread warmth to the homeless in that area.

Winter 2020 Clothing Drive

Throughout the month of January, we will be collecting items to be donated to the Family Pantry of Cape Cod. Now is a great time to clean out those closets and dressers and share your gently used items with those in need! Please see the list below for suggestions, and thank you for your time and generosity!


We accept any kind of jewelry and it is one of the top-selling items at our Second Glance Thrift Boutique. All proceeds from the sale are used to support The Family Pantry of Cape Cod.


We accept the following clothing items in good/clean condition: Sizes infant through adult for both men and women. We also accept handbags and shoes. Shoes should be in very good condition.

Household Items

We accept gently used linens, blankets, and towels. We also accept household items such as vases, artwork, small working appliances (nothing bigger than a bread box) and knick-knacks.

Items will be delivered to The Family Pantry of Cape Cod on Saturday, February 22. Please speak to Kh. Alyssa if you are able to help with the delivery!

Once again we will be TYING SCARVES along Main Street in Hyannis to spread warmth to the homeless in that area. Join us after coffee hour on Sunday, January 26 for this act of love and kindness.

Delivery Pictures

Christmas Outreach 2019

CALLING ALL COOKIE BAKERS!!! We will be delivering 50 Christmas meals to Faith Family Kitchen this December, and we will be including a tin of homemade cookies with each meal. If you are interested in baking a batch or two of cookies, please speak to Kh. Alyssa. We will be packing the cookies on Sunday, December 15 during coffee hour and delivering the meals to Hyannis on Friday, December 20. Thank you!!!

We have once again adopted a family through Cape Cod’s Christmas Wishes program! We will be collecting money through the end of December to help pay for the gifts that have been purchased. Thank you for bringing joy this Christmas to a struggling family!
Family Description: This is a single mom with 3 children. This has been an extremely tough year for this family. Mom’s ex-boyfriend is now incarcerated after physical abuse to the children and mom. The children are traumatized and currently are in counseling. Mom had to quit her job and focus on the well-being of the children. The closest relative lives out of state so they are on their own to get through this horrible ordeal. Mom is determined to keep the family together and to heal all the children. Odin, male, any clothes 18-24 mos. Penelope, 9 female. Likes pink & purple and likes to be “girlie and sparkle” leggings, size 16, any kind of tops size 16. Loves Unicorns, fairies, Pokemon and Star Wars. Laurelyn, 12 female. In need of sweaters XL, Leggings XL, PJ’s XL. Likes neutral colors like blue, green, black, grey. Like Pokemon, Star Wars. Mom, Colleen would like a gift card to Target for household items and maybe to buy some surprises for the children.

Thanksgiving Meals 2019 – Thank You and Photos

Thank you to everyone who made it possible for us to deliver Thanksgiving meals to FIFTY families this past week by your donations of money, food, and time. These bountiful meals are tremendously appreciated and needed by the families who received them. Thank you for providing this blessing to our struggling neighbors!

Thanksgiving Meals 2019

The number of families on the Cape who are hungry and suffering from food insecurity is increasing, and we have been given the opportunity to provide 50 Thanksgiving meals to such families this November. You can help by

  1. speaking to Kh. Alyssa about specific items you can purchase,
  2. give a monetary donation, and/or
  3. help deliver the meals to Faith Family Kitchen on Friday, November 22.

Thanks be to God for the blessings He gives us so that we may share with His children in need!

Harvest Festival at the Village at Cataumet 2019 Photos and Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who selflessly helped make Sunday’s Harvest Festival at the Village at Cataumet a fabulous success! The food was enjoyed and appreciated by all, the fellowship was received and engaged in more warmly than we have ever experienced at Cataumet, and fun was had by all. Thank you for being the sunshine on that cold and rainy afternoon! May God bless you all!!

Thank you card from The Village at Cataumet

“Thank you so much for bringing the Harvest Festival to The Village at Cataumet. We had a great time, especially the children. Your support and thoughtfulness truly shows how much you care about us! You all are a blessing.
The families at The Village at Cataumet”

Fill the Fridge, October 2019 Outreach

Throughout the month of October, we are working to collect NON-PERISHABLE food for our local food pantry!!! Food should be deposited in the “fridge” inside the side entrance of the church. Thank you for your generosity in helping our neighbors in need!

Please, see the flyer.

Backpack Blessings 2019 Photos and Thank you card

Once again, we collected new backpacks and school supplies for children whose families were unable to purchase these items themselves. On Sunday, August 18 we filled over 28 backpacks with binders, notebooks, folders, crayons, markers, pencils, earphones, calculators, flash drives, rulers, glue sticks, pencil boxes, pencils, erasers, and much more! The backpacks were then delivered to the Village at Cataumet. Additionally, we collected supplies (markers, glue, colored paper, lysol wipes, playdough, tape, duct tape and dry erase markers) for Theophany School, an Orthodox school in Needham, MA. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped with the packing and delivering!!!

Thank you card from the families at The Village at Cataumet Shelter: