Gospel Reading & Sermon of Fr. Benjamin Kjendal, Agape Vespers – April 24, 2022
The Gospel – John 20:19-25
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Training – May 31-June 5, 2022
All are welcome! The tuition for Level 1 Formation Part 1 is $400. For those in Orthodox Churches, of all jurisdictions, it is $250. Registration is limited to 12 people.
When: May 31-June 5, 2022
Tuesday following Memorial Day through Sunday
Weekdays and Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm, Sunday 1-6pm
Where: Michael the Archangel Antiochian Orthodox Church
62 Main Street, Cotuit, MA 02635
Course Overview: Formation Courses are the method by which the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is offered to
adults. Each formation course includes preparation in giving the presentations (the lessons) to the children, provides a
solid background in the Montessori educational approach, and instructs in the theological foundation of this work. The
Formation Leader assists the adult catechist in writing an album of lessons, how to prepare the learning environment,
and how to make the experiential materials for the children’s work. The National Certificate of Completion will be issued
to those who successfully complete both parts of the Level 1 training. The fee for this certificate is included in the
registration fee.
Formation Leader: Anne Marie McCollum began her journey with CGS in 2010 when she helped launch one of the first
Orthodox CGS programs. As a homeschooling mother of five she fell in love with the Catechesis as a way to help bring
her children into deeper relationship with the Good Shepherd. In 2014 Anne Marie was recognized as a CGS Level I Formation
Leader by the National Association of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, becoming the second Orthodox formation
leader for CGS. She is trained in all three levels of CGS and currently serves as a Level III catechist at St. Ignatius
Antiochian Orthodox Church in Franklin, TN. When she isn’t teaching, Anne Marie enjoys reading, hiking, camping,
chasing waterfalls, and sharing her love of the outdoors with anyone who will listen! Anne Marie and her husband,
Joshua, reside in middle Tennessee with their three youngest children, one dog, five chickens, and a constantly revolving
stock of sheep, goats, and cattle.
For more information email our course coordinator:
Kh. Yvonne Butts at yborthodox@gmail.com