St. Michael the Archangel

Thanksgiving Meals 2021 – Thank You and Photos

Thank you to everyone who helped make our delivery of 50 Thanksgiving meals to Faith Family Kitchen, Hyannis possible! Thank you for donating food, donating money, making phone calls, picking up needed items, and helping deliver and pack the meals for each family! Thank you for your generosity and your time!

Thanksgiving Meals 2021

Once again we are being given the opportunity to provide Thanksgiving meals to families served by Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis. If you are able to purchase food items, please speak to Kh. Alyssa about what is needed. Monetary donations are also very much appreciated to help purchase the turkeys and other items that will be included in the dinners. Delivery of the meals will be in the morning on Friday, November 19. Please speak to Kh. Alyssa about how you can help!

Thank you for being a blessing to our neighbors in need this Thanksgiving!

October 24, 2021 Bulletin – Ordination


God willing, Subdeacon James Irving will be ordained to the diaconate this Sunday, October 24, by the laying on of hands and prayers, with Bishop John presiding.

As there is likely to be a few more people than normal at Liturgy on Sunday please listen to the direction of the ushers as you come into the church. They are there to help us keep good order in our assembly! Arrive on time (or early!). Orthros as always will begin at 9 AM, with Liturgy following.

Please, in the days to come, keep Subdeacon James and his family in your prayers. This is a great responsibility to have placed upon oneself, and one that only by God’s grace is possible. May our prayers add to this for the Irvings!

“THE ARCHANGELS” Any Occasion Greeting Cards

We are excited to announce that the Archangel icons painted and donated by our own Zoya Sheglov have been made into blank greeting cards for use on any occasion.
The icons were blessed during vesper service on November 7, 2020 to commemorate the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Heavenly Bodiless Powers. They hang in the nave of St Michael.
The cards created out of these icons are a beautiful set of 8, one for each Archangel, that will be available on Sunday as a complete set for only $10. They include the icon, the story of the Archangel, and a prayer to each Archangel.
Thanks to Zoya Sheglov for her beautiful work and generous donation of the icons; to Mircea Dumitrescu for taking the pictures of each icon; and to Ksenia Pryme for formatting the cards and getting them ready to print.
God bless you all for your support of St. Michael!