Fr. James from St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church, Cotuit, Fr. Timothy from St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Centerville, & Fr. Kevin from St. Mark Orthodox Church of America, Kingston.

Fr. James from St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church, Cotuit, Fr. Timothy from St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Centerville, & Fr. Kevin from St. Mark Orthodox Church of America, Kingston.
Our SOYO group of youth enjoyed their trip to the Icon Museum and Study Center in Clinton, MA Thank you to Ned, Anastasia, and Fr. James for bringing them!
You can see the museum tour here:
Thanks to all our carolers who visited St. Michael’s parishioners living in Assisted and Independent Living at Atria Woodbriar Place. It was a wonderful time with music, cookies, and fellowship.
Thanks to the entire parish for its support throughout the year in helping with outreach projects on Cape Cod. Due to your generosity, we are able to offer one last project in 2024 from reserves we had on hand! St Joseph Homeless shelter in Hyannis will be gifted with 35 twin blankets that they needed for their clients. The outreach team is grateful to you all and wishes you a blessed and holy Nativity. We always need volunteers and help. Please ask how you can make a difference.
Thanks to everyone who donated food, money and helped with packing the food. Emma and Soraya delivered to Independence House on Monday Nov 25.
Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Thank you to everyone who helped make such a successful day with Bishop John. From the chanters and choir, to the flowers and luncheon, everything was done with care and love. Bishop John was very pleased and enjoyed being with us and we loved having him.
Teen Soyo cooked soup on Saturday after Vespers and divided it into containers on Sunday. They were delivered to the Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis.
Zoya donated a new icon to St. Michael Church! This one is of the Prophet Samuel. Father James blessed the icon and Stephen and Alex hung it near the door. Thank you, Zoya, Stephen & Alex.
The parish surprised Father with a cake this morning for his one year Anniversary of his Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. May God grant him many years!