His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios, Patriarchal Vicar – November 22, 2022

On November 22, His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios, Patriarchal Vicar visited St. Michael the Archangel Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church of Cotuit, Mass. Welcoming him were the pastor, Fr. Ben Kjendal, and members of the congregation.

Fr. Milad Selim, Dean of St. George Cathedral of Worcester, Mass., and Mr. Fawaz El Khoury, Vice Chairman of the Archdiocesan Board of Trustees, accompanied His Eminence.

Thanksgiving Meals 2022

Thank you to everyone who gave time, talent, and treasure to make possible our donation of 50 Thanksgiving meals! This year might have been a record for the number of parishioners who helped purchase, deliver, and pack the meals. Many hands are truly made for light work! Thank you for sharing your blessings with 50 families who will now have the opportunity to enjoy a bountiful meal on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Meals 2021 – Thank You and Photos

Thank you to everyone who helped make our delivery of 50 Thanksgiving meals to Faith Family Kitchen, Hyannis possible! Thank you for donating food, donating money, making phone calls, picking up needed items, and helping deliver and pack the meals for each family! Thank you for your generosity and your time!

Prosforon (Altar Bread) Baking Tutorial

Thank you to Electra Savas for holding a Prosphora Baking tutorial on Saturday, August 21.
Electra has been baking Holy Bread for St. Michael for many years. It was an opportunity for her to share her talent with others.
Thanks to Carole Kanavos for taking pictures and to Yury Klokov for taking video.
An icon of “Prophora Bakers” was presented to Electra as a small token of thanks for her many years of stewardship to St Michael.

This is a lesson for all of us to share our talents and be good stewards of St Michael. If there is any way you can volunteer, please let Joe Rahal know stmichael@stmichaelcapecod.org. Stewardship is a combination of sharing time, talent and treasure. There are so many opportunities for us to be active. Nothing is too small!

The Star Spangled Banner

By David Easa

On Father’s day this year some of our choir members sang the Star Spangled Banner at the Cotuit
Kettleer’s home opener. I have to say, I was nervous. It is something I’ve always wanted to do – Sing
the National Anthem at an event – so this was very exciting for me, and I didn’t want to do a bad job
of it. As soon as we started practicing the nervousness went away. Anders, Anna, Anastasia and
myself were intending to do a four part harmonized version of the song and I found a video that
explained the story behind Francis Scott Key’s inspiration to write it during the war of 1812. Francis
Scott Key and other Americans were aboard a boat in the Chesapeake Bay watching the bombing of
Fort McHenry and given the scale of the attack, he was certain the British would win, but in the
clearing smoke of “the dawn’s early light” he saw the American flag, not the British Union Jack flying
over the fort, announcing an American victory. After watching this video together, we began our
rehearsal with a better and a more personal understanding of the lyrics. We were joined by Father
Ben and Erika for our performance at the game and did a fine job with many compliments and
congratulations! …Oh, and the Kettleer’s won!

Photo: Alysa Rubin, Cotuit Kettleers, Photographer


Thank you to everyone who selflessly baked cookies and generously gave money to make our Christmas meal donation breathtakingly successful!

We donated SIXTY-FIVE hams, SIXTY-FIVE $25 grocery store gift cards, and 104 tins of homemade cookies! Thank you for spreading the hope, the love, the peace, and the joy of Christmas to so many Cape families in need.

Thanksgiving Meals 2020 – Thank You and Photos

On Thursday 11/19, we delivered 15 Thanksgiving meals (complete with a turkey, pie, fresh produce, and all the traditional fixings) to Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis to be distributed to food insecure families. While we were making the delivery, it came to our attention that there were additional families that would be blessed by receiving a meal. Five more meals and five $25 gift cards were purchased and delivered that evening to Faith Faith Family Kitchen for distribution. Thank you to all who donated time and resources to feed these hungry families!