Tag: Women’s Group
Prosforon (Altar Bread) Baking Tutorial
Thank you to Electra Savas for holding a Prosphora Baking tutorial on Saturday, August 21.
Electra has been baking Holy Bread for St. Michael for many years. It was an opportunity for her to share her talent with others.
Thanks to Carole Kanavos for taking pictures and to Yury Klokov for taking video.
An icon of “Prophora Bakers” was presented to Electra as a small token of thanks for her many years of stewardship to St Michael.

This is a lesson for all of us to share our talents and be good stewards of St Michael. If there is any way you can volunteer, please let Joe Rahal know stmichael@stmichaelcapecod.org. Stewardship is a combination of sharing time, talent and treasure. There are so many opportunities for us to be active. Nothing is too small!
St. Michael Cookbook & Order Form

We are pleased to announce the arrival of the second printing of the St. Michael cookbook: “The Foods That Unite Us”. There are copies of the book available in the fellowship hall and at the Bookstore table. These full-color, full-size cookbooks offer some amazing recipes, along with interesting anecdotal stories, memories, and photos as shared by our membership and families.
Backpack Blessings 2021
Once again we will be collecting NEW school supplies for children living at the Village at Cataumet, a transitional housing shelter. We have all the backpacks we need, but we need to fill them! Please see the list for suggestions on what to purchase. Thank you!!! Please see Kh. Alyssa with any questions!
St. Michael Cookbook New Orders

WE WILL BE PRINTING MORE COOKBOOKS WHICH WILL BE OFFERED AGAIN AT THE VERY LOW PRICE OF ONLY $30. These are high-quality paper, full color, and large print. They are very easy to use and showcase our traditions and our stories.
Please let Soraya know if you would like to place an order at sbandeli@comcast.net
Thank you to everyone who has supported this effort in any way!
St. Michael Cookbook

After so many months of planning, reading, formatting, re-formatting, cooking, and EATING, the St. Michael cookbook is here.
If you have pre-ordered your copies, please plan to join us on Sunday to pick up your book pre-order. Please bring any balance due at that time.
If you have not yet ordered your book, wait until you see how comprehensive and beautiful they are! Full color and full-sized! Over 200 pages of YUMMY traditional and modern food!
Pick up your copy on Sunday! These make amazing gifts for any occasion. We have included a free surprise in every book. Open one to see what it is!
We are almost sold out. Get your order in before they’re all gone.
Thank you to everyone who had anything to do with any aspect of this project. It has been a great joy to read all your stories and to test all your recipes. As always, the diet starts tomorrow !!
… Your Cookbook Committee
St. Michael Cookbook Preorder Form
The Cookbook Committee is excited to report that we are near completion in producing the St. Michael Cookbook titled “THE FOODS THAT UNITE US … A Collection of Recipes from Our Kitchens, Our Heritage and Our Traditions”. Thanks to the wonderful, talented and creative cooks in our parish, we have put together a dynamic collection of recipes that reflects our diverse church family, its faith, fellowship and, of course, great food. This cookbook, complete with easy to follow directions, color photos, commentary and warm memories from its contributors, make it special and unique for yourself and for those to whom you gift it.
We are hoping for a SUMMER 2021 delivery and are now taking orders. The cost is $30 each or $25 each when ordering 5 or more. Order forms can be found at the back of the church and here:
If you have questions please contact:
Linda Davis – spiker383@gmail.com
Soraya Bandeli – sbandeli@comcast.net
Elaine Burke – emacburke@gmail.com
Sample Submissions

St. Michael Pascha Card 2021

Pascha Card order form has been mail out. If you would like your name on St. Michael Pascha Card, please fill out the form and return it by April 18, 2021.
The proceeds of this year’s Pascha card will be going to St. Michael Women’s Group Outreach Projects. You can also download Pascha Card 2021 Order Form.
Tying Scarfs 2021
Scarves on Main Street, Hyannis was a success. Thanks to everyone who came out to hang scarves and leave care packages for those who need.

Thank you to everyone who selflessly baked cookies and generously gave money to make our Christmas meal donation breathtakingly successful!
We donated SIXTY-FIVE hams, SIXTY-FIVE $25 grocery store gift cards, and 104 tins of homemade cookies! Thank you for spreading the hope, the love, the peace, and the joy of Christmas to so many Cape families in need.